Our Bindings
We have selected a range of both traditional and also very contemporary and unusual bindings. Traditional materials have been updated and new materials reflect modern taste and style. We work with the finest bookbinders in the country who between them have hundreds of years of experience of this traditional craft.

Our hide is durable, with natural pigment and has a deep and uniform colour. Headbands in dual colours create a smart finish and ribbon markers are included to complete the smart look. This traditional binding is available in a range of unusual colours and can be ordered in a hard or limp finish. Chocolate brown and navy blue are also available.
Colours left to right:
Black, Purple, Orange, Dark Grey, Yellow, Pink, Pale Blue, Red, Tan + navy blue and chocolate brown not shown.
Small £125, Medium £130, Large £135 .
To each add £20 for a limp binding.
Book Binders Lizard

Available in a bright spectrum of colours. With a lizard effect, it is classy and interesting. It is the perfect binding for every book; hard wearing and user friendly. Bright and fun, it is the binding that everyone loves and it looks great with a gold embossed message.
Colours left to right:
Black, purple, orange, red, pink, azure blue, royal blue, pearl, burgundy, dark green, navy blue
Prices: Small £110, Medium £115, Large £120
PB Smooth

With its super matt, smooth and discreet self-pattern, PB Smooth fits into any contemporary environment. Offered in an exclusive range of sophisticated colours.
Colours left to right:
Charcoal, Brown, royal blue, purple, red plus parchment not shown
Prices: Small £110, Medium £115, Large £120
PB Pebble

PB Pebble offers a subtle and complementary binding to our best-selling Book Binders Lizard. Available in our favourite Blush Pink and three more traditional colours, it has an appealing textured surface which is both durable and chic.
Colours left to right: Pink, dark green, royal blue, smoke grey
Prices: Small £110, Medium £115, Large £120